If you have information about a safeguarding situation where a child or adult is in immediate danger or requires immediate medical attention call the emergency services on 999. Do not delay.
"We are committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within our community."
If you have any concerns about safeguarding where a person is not in immediate danger then please contact our safeguarding officer Linda Randall or Rev Nathan Ward by calling 01634 362023 ext. 4 or e-mailing safeguarding@rainhamchurch.co.uk.
Diocese of Rochester
The Diocese of Rochester also have a safeguarding team. If you would like to speak to someone in the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, please find their contacts below.
Lead Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Greg Barry
07585 952174
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Anthony Glocking
07825 315748
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Caroline Smith
07768 036590
From 5pm on Friday through to 9am on Monday Thirtyone:eight (previously CCPAS) has been contracted to take safeguarding telephone enquiries, that cannot wait until the Diocesan office reopens on Monday morning. Telephone number 0303 003 11 11.
You can also contact us by completing an online form by clicking the button below (the form will open in a new window).